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A basic CSS animation that makes a aniamted Submit button when clicked.

ES6 button loading animation HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Made by Joshua Ward

See the Pen Button Loading Animation by Joshua Ward (@joshuaward) on CodePen.

Submit button interaction HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Made by Dhanish

See the Pen Button Loading Animation by Joshua Ward (@joshuaward) on CodePen.

Button that brings some life to a web form

Made by Gabriel Soares

March 1, 2017

See the Pen Submit Button with Loading Effect by Gabriel Soares (@gabrielsxp) on CodePen.

Elastic button, has pounding hearth for loading animation, will burst into ready state once done.

Made by Rik Schennink

October 27, 2016

See the Pen Organic Button by Rik Schennink (@rikschennink) on CodePen.

Submit button with HTML, CSS(SCSS) and JavaScript.

Made by Guy Waldman

August 20, 2016

See the Pen Submit Button Concept by Guy Waldman (@guywald) on CodePen.

A basic CSS animation that makes a paper airplane fly out of this “Send” button when clicked.

Made by Adrian Del Balso

May 24, 2016

See the Pen Flyaway Send Button by Adrian Del Balso (@adelbalso) on CodePen.

HTML(Pug), CSS(SCSS) and JavaScript send button interaction animation.

Made by Irem Lopsum

August 24, 2015

See the Pen Send button interaction animation by Irem Lopsum (@iremlopsum) on CodePen.

Simple submit button for Ajax with smooth loading animation and done/failed icons animated.


August 3, 2015

See the Pen Simple submit button for Ajax with smooth loading animation by Faisal Alsebea (@sfaisal) on CodePen.


A simple animated submit button using CSS, JS and jQuery.

Made by Zach Cole

April 25, 2015

See the Pen Animated Submit Button by Zach Cole (@zachacole) on CodePen.

Submit button with HTML, CSS(Stylus) and JavaScript(CoffeeScript).

Made by Tamino Martinius

August 6, 2014

See the Pen Submit Button by Tamino Martinius (@Zaku) on CodePen.

Greensock controlled version of Colin Garven’s Submit button. No CSS Keyframes, all one JS timeline + SVG.

Made by auginator

August 5, 2014

See the Pen Submit Button (GSAP edition) by auginator (@auginator) on CodePen.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript send button with a transition.

Made by Irem Lopsum

August 4, 2014

See the Pen Send button with a transition by Irem Lopsum (@iremlopsum) on CodePen.