Table of Contents

A basic CSS animation that makes a aniamted Submit button when clicked.

ES6 button loading animation HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Made by Joshua Ward

Submit button interaction HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Made by Dhanish

Button that brings some life to a web form

Made by Gabriel Soares

March 1, 2017

Elastic button, has pounding hearth for loading animation, will burst into ready state once done.

Made by Rik Schennink

October 27, 2016

Submit button with HTML, CSS(SCSS) and JavaScript.

Made by Guy Waldman

August 20, 2016

A basic CSS animation that makes a paper airplane fly out of this “Send” button when clicked.

Made by Adrian Del Balso

May 24, 2016

HTML(Pug), CSS(SCSS) and JavaScript send button interaction animation.

Made by Irem Lopsum

August 24, 2015

Simple submit button for Ajax with smooth loading animation and done/failed icons animated.


August 3, 2015


A simple animated submit button using CSS, JS and jQuery.

Made by Zach Cole

April 25, 2015

Submit button with HTML, CSS(Stylus) and JavaScript(CoffeeScript).

Made by Tamino Martinius

August 6, 2014

Greensock controlled version of Colin Garven’s Submit button. No CSS Keyframes, all one JS timeline + SVG.

Made by auginator

August 5, 2014

HTML, CSS and JavaScript send button with a transition.

Made by Irem Lopsum

August 4, 2014