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TOP 19 jQuery Color Picker Plugins

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Yet another jQuery color picker. This plugin is unobtrusive and integrates well with Twitter Bootstrap (it works just fine without). The source code only requires jQuery and is about 200 lines of JavaScript and 100 lines of CSS.

Demo image: Very Simple jQuery Color Picker

Made by

  • Tanguy Krotoff

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  • 374 stars
  • 24 watchers


Colpick is a simple Photoshop-style color picker jQuery plugin. It’s interface is familiar for most users and it’s also very lightweight loading less than 30 KB to the browser.

Demo image: Colpick Color Picker

Made by

  • Jose Vargas

Github activity

  • 287 stars
  • 22 watchers


There are some great color picker plugins out there, but most cater to the needs of techies and designers, providing complicated controls to access every color imaginable.

Pick-a-Color is designed to be easy for anyone to use. The interface is based on Twitter Bootstrap styles so it looks lovely with the styles of almost any site.

Demo image: Pick-a-Color: A jQuery Color Picker For Twitter Bootstrap

Made by

  • Lauren

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  • 23 watchers


Looking for mobile first, tiny foot print, fast, scaleable, flexible, pluggable and a rich color model… This small (5.07KB gZip, 11.39KB minified, no extra HTML, images or css needed) HSB colorpicker is based on a subset of colors.js from it’s big brother colorPicker for a precise and rich color model, supports all modern features like touch and MS pointer, GPU accelerated rendering, battery friendly requestAnimationFrame and provides a lot of hooks for developers to write plugins or extend the UI.

Demo image: TinyColorPicker

Made by

  • Peter Dematté

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  • 236 stars
  • 15 watchers


This is a very minimal, yet robust color picker based on jQuery.

Demo image: Really Simple Color Picker

Made by

  • Lakshan Perera

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  • 11 watchers


JS component to pick colors from a predefined/restricted palette.

Demo image: JQuery Palette Color Picker

Made by

  • Carlos Cabo

Github activity

  • 60 stars
  • 7 watchers


SmallColorPicker is a tiny jQuery color picker. Also the project includes buttons styles for color selection.

Demo image: Small Color Picker

Made by

  • antelle

Github activity

  • 15 stars
  • 3 watchers


ColorPick.js is a simple and minimal jQuery color picker plugin for the modern web.

Made by

  • Phil Zet

Github activity

  • 8 stars
  • 2 watchers


The named color picker takes a somewhat different approach to choosing a color. Instead of a color spectrum/wheel, colors are selected from a fullscreen grid by name, or searched for in a dropdown, also by name.

Demo image: Named Color Picker

Made by

  • ‹›

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  • 2 stars
  • 1 watchers


A tool to pick up the Color Value within any frame from a HTML5 Video. Support both Vue.js and jQuery.

Noticed that your video resource host need to allow CORS, otherwise you cannot use getPixelColor on your canvas, and the project won’t work.

Demo image: Video Color Picker

Made by

  • wendychengc

Github activity

  • 1 stars
  • 1 watchers


Photoshop-like jQuery color picker plugin with various skins and layouts, touch, and responsive.

Demo image: Colpick RemiX

Made by

  • Salvatore Peluso

Github activity

  • 1 stars
  • 0 watchers


Colorpickle is a free color picker plugin for jQuery. While the support for color input type is getting better all the time, not all browsers support it and most native browser and OS color pickers are pretty crappy. Colorpickle to the rescue!

Demo image: Colorpickle

Made by

  • Hape Haavikko

Github activity

  • 0 stars
  • 0 watchers

Purty Picker

A super lightweight visual HSL, RGB and hex color picker with a responsive, touch-friendly and customizable UI. Compatible with jQuery or Zepto.

Demo image: Purty Picker


  • Jayden Seric Januar

Made with

  • jQuery
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Wheel Color Picker Plugin For jQuery

The Wheel Color Picker plugin adds color picker functionality to HTML input element in round color wheel style. The Wheel Color Picker can be displayed as a popup dialog as users focus the input, or embedded inline.

Demo image: Wheel Color Picker Plugin For jQuery


  • fujaru Juny

Made with

  • Html
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jQuery asColorPicker

A jQuery plugin that convent input into color picker.

Demo image: jQuery asColorPicker

Made with

  • jQuery
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A jQuery color picker plugin with various effects for showing and hiding the color picker. Also comes with an option to set a clickable button to trigger effects.

Demo image: wColorPicker.js


  • Rob

Made with

  • jQuery
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Simple Color Picker

 simple color picker jQuery plugin that appears as the user focuses the input.

Demo image: Simple Color Picker


  • Rachel Carvalho

Made with

  • jQuery
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jQuery Simple Color

jQuery Simple Color is a very simple color-picker plugin that displays a square grid of selectable colors. I found a lot of the other color-picker plugins quite heavy, so I ended up writing this to provide a dead-simple alternative. The list of colors it uses can be customized, and the layout size etc can be configured to a certain extent.

Demo image: jQuery Simple Color


  • Dave Perrett

Made with

  • jQuery
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A JavaScript color picker. The wheel is drawn using the Raphael.js library. jQuery is used to assist with events. The wheel size is set on creation. It supports a small set of callbacks and touch events.

Demo image: Colorwheel


  • John Weir

Made with

  • JavaScript / jQuery
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